Everybody has experience with condensation – On warm summer days, while enjoying a cold beverage, the outside of our red plastic cups have inevitably beaded up with moisture and dripped onto everything beneath them. The moisture on the outside of the cup is condensation that has formed from warm...
EDT was asked by an adjuster to examine a residence that had soot buildup throughout the residence.
Recently, EDT was asked to investigate the roof of a hotel property. Representatives of the hotel owner showed EDT the “large hail damage” they had found. However, hail damage is not what was discovered.
Have you ever wondered how you can buy apples in the store in wintertime when you know apples ripen in the summer? How can that be? Well, shortly after they are picked in the summer months they are put to sleep. They hibernate until the grocery stores need them in other months of the year and they...
I was relaxing with a friend discussing the week we had, and I mentioned my examination of a facility with a pretty sophisticated refrigeration system that had some issues. My friend said he didn’t know anything about refrigeration and did not want to know, but being a good friend, he listened...
A while back, I was lucky enough to drive the full length of the Columbia River Gorge on a crisp spring morning. For those of you not familiar with this iconic geographical area, it is beyond bucket list worthy. Cut into the Cascade Mountains by the Columbia River and located just east of Portland...
The traditional crop insurance and claims process is costly, time-consuming, and sometimes contentious. Valuable customer relations depend on trust. Trust that the insured feels they will be treated fairly.
EDT was assigned to determine the cause of damages to a single-story residence. The residence, constructed in the 1950’s, was renovated in 2015. The work consisted of a complete teardown of the structure and cladding. The replacement structure was constructed on the existing timber floor beams and...
We’ve all been there – started a load of laundry, the washer gets past the agitation cycle and is in the middle of the spin cycle when – Bang! Bang! Bang! And the washer is jumping around as if possessed.
On January 1, 2020, the phase-out and ban of R-22 and R142b refrigerants required the consumption of R-22 and R-142b refrigerants to be reduced by 99.5% below the U.S. baseline.
The most common effect of hail is cosmetic indentations. For roof coverings in general, one form of functional damage is a reduction in the long-term service life of the roof. As related to metal roof panels, functional damage is associated with compromising the factory-applied coating (or field...
What is a gas turbine? Let's first look at an engine that most of us know well; the gas engine in your car. In a gasoline reciprocating engine, the piston compresses the air fuel mixture, the mixture is ignited and the expanding gases push the piston inside the cylinder, the exhaust is purged from...
In a perfect world of consulting engineering, every investigation would result in a single, concise cause of damage to the product, structure, or system under investigation. In the real world, this rarely happens.
Most of the time, damages to marine vessels and structures are straight forward: there’s a collision, allision, or sinking due to mechanical failure, procedural failure, negligence, or an unfortunate concurrence of events. The involved vessels/structures are damaged, the damages are tallied up, and...
During rain events, water was intruding into a Church. The Church was concerned that damage had occurred to the roofing of the building, which was allowing rainwater into the facility.