The world of motorsports serves as a captivating laboratory where failures are not only commonplace but also provide invaluable lessons for forensic engineering.
Foundation movement is one of the leading causes of unsafe conditions. To ensure safe foundation repair, avoid these costly mistakes.
ED&T has grown since I first joined the firm, but we've maintained our commitment to the industry and to our clients.
Recent advancements in technology and upgrades to the telecommunications infrastructure have made the promising 5G network a reality. These advancements have had a significant impact to the already impressive capabilities afforded by modern smartphones and at the same time they have also had an...
For homeowners in many areas, spring showers don’t just bring green grass and beautiful flowers, but also a wet basement. When water enters a basement, soaked carpets, wet wall coverings, and waterlogged baseball card collections stored in the basement are a common occurrence.
In a past blog, I have discussed the background behind common phrases which originated in the maritime industry. [1] For your enjoyment, this blog will discuss various measurement terms, where some have originated from, and what the use of some more arcane measurements you may (or, hopefully, may...
Every year, wildland fires destroy structures in the Wildland Urban Interface – defined as the line, area, or zone where structures and other human development meet or intermingle with undeveloped wildland or vegetation fuels. In 2021, according to the National Interagency Fire Center, a total of 58...
Transformers are among the most reliable and robust elements in the electric utility system. A transformer is basically two sets of wires (the windings) wrapped around a steel or iron core (see schematic in Figure 1). The windings and the core are immersed in oil and enclosed in a steel tank...
In a prior blog post I introduced you to the basic steps involved in the manufacture of paper, from trees to paper using the Kraft Paper Process. In this blog we will review an integral component in the Kraft Paper Process known as the Black Liquor Recovery Boiler. To refresh your memory, the Kraft...
I often evaluate structures and buildings to determine the extent of structural damages, recommended repairs and the applicable building code requirements for that specific location. At times, I am informed by someone at the site that they had an engineer or contractor tell them that the structure...
Combustion is a subject that can be intimidating. The form of combustion that most people are familiar with is burning wood or paper. Believe it or not, most combustion processes are much simpler than those. We’ll get to that later. With most combustion processes, a fuel reacts with an oxidant. Take...
Most, if not all, of us know that deep rumbling sound of a V8-powered muscle car or even your garden variety V8-powered daily driver. There is almost something primal about the deep throaty sound of a V8. In modern times V8 engines are becoming more and more of a rare breed, with turbo-charged four...
As technology advances, drones have been made available to the average person. A drone can be a powerful tool with loss investigations. With many losses, safety concerns may prevent access to examine a site, equipment, or other important items. With drone advancements, we are now able to examine and...
Welding is a fabrication process whereby two or more parts are fused together by means of heat, pressure, or both, forming a joint as the parts cool. While it is possible to weld materials other than metal (plastics for example), the process is most often associated with the joining of metal parts...
You typically hear weather forecasts that include wind speeds in your neck of the woods. But how does a wind speed in miles per hour (mph) translate into a wind load in pounds per square foot (psf)? The general public is not aware of how strong (in the structural sense of the word) a 50-mph wind is...