Blog - The Stress Point

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Air Infiltration & Leakage (Part 2)

Air infiltration (air that comes in) and air leakage (air that goes out) negatively impact energy usage and costs in conditioned spaces – for homes and businesses alike. We’ve talked about what infiltration and leakage are and how to combat them at a basic level, but to really fix the problem for...

Drywall: Levels of Finish

portrait photo of Anthony

Anthony P. Centurelli, P.E.

An EDT Case Study regarding issues pertaining to drywall within a residence under construction during a stormy and cold fall season. Was it due to the storm or power outage? Or was it just inadequate surface preparation of the drywall by the contractors? And what are the industry-wide recommended...

Hurricane Forces: Wind VS Wave Forces


Hurricanes are somewhat unique in that they generate multiple types of forces that can affect coastal properties. This blog discusses how EDT determines the cause of damage based on hurricane wind and water forces.

Renewable Energy: Pumped Storage


Pumped storage is the process of pumping water uphill from one body of water to another which allows power companies to store the energy generated during the low demand periods of the day so that it can be used to meet later peak demands.

Fire Effects on Concrete


Concrete exposed to the elevated temperatures of a fire can experience both mechanical changes and chemical changes. Both can provide pathways for direct heating of exposed Reinforcing Steel (rebar).

Fire Effects on Steel


After a fire involving a building or industrial structure, there are often multiple types of damage to the building materials. Knowing how heat affects various building materials can be helpful in determining the level of damage to building components.

Alternative Energy - Power from the Earth

Geothermal power pulls hot water from deep within the earth to heat and vaporize a fluid that is then used to drive a turbine-generator. In this post, we discuss a case study and solution related to a vaporizer tube leakage at a geothermal energy plant.

When Wet isn't Really Wet (Part 3)


In our first post (part 1) we discussed equipment ratings and location definitions (what is a dry or wet location). In our last post (part 2) we discussed equipment that is not made to get wet, yet for some reason it does and what do you do. So, what happens when the Authority Having Jurisdiction...

When Wet Really Isn't Wet (part 2)


In our last post we discussed equipment ratings and location definitions (what is a dry or wet location). In this post let's discuss equipment that is not made to get wet, yet for some reason it does. Does this mean it needs to be thrown away and a new one purchased? No, of course not.