Megan E. Abadie, P.E.
Consulting Engineer
Engineering Field
- Civil/Structural
Ms. Abadie is a Civil Engineer with a background in hydrology and water resources. She provides root cause investigations and scope of damage evaluations in cases of roofing, foundation, and building frame damage and defects, water intrusion, tree impacts, and natural disaster damage, and provides expert witness services in flooding cases.
Prior to joining EDT, Ms. Abadie worked in multiple sectors of water and wastewater: groundwater protection, drinking water treatment and distribution, wastewater collection and treatment, urban runoff control, watershed assessment, and asset management. She spent twelve years as a collection system engineer for the City and County of San Francisco where she developed San Francisco's Combined Sewer Discharge inspection program, installed dozens of flowmeters, walked and crawled through hundreds of miles of sewers, designed two baffles, ran model simulations, investigated flooding claims, oversaw repairs of large underground concrete structures, and pulled a bicycle out of a pump station inlet. Join her for a tour of San Francisco's most beautiful combined sewer outfall here.
In her free time Ms. Abadie enjoys dance parties with her daughter, gardening with her mom, collecting wild mushrooms with her dad, watching superhero movies with her kid and husband, ocean swimming with her sisters, and observing the antics of the family's pet cats, lizards and fish.
State Licenses
Ms. Abadie is licensed as a Civil Engineer in Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon and Utah, is confined space certified, and is PACP (pipeline condition assessment) certified by the National Association of Sanitary Sewer Companies (NASSCO). She has degrees in Applied Math from Rice University and Civil Engineering from San Jose State.