Engineering: A Force for Good


What does it take to be a successful engineer at EDT?

Successful EDT Engineers come in a variety of ages, education levels, and backgrounds. Years of experience and advanced degrees are not sufficient to succeed. It is but a small percentage of engineers who appear on paper to be qualified who in fact have what it takes and will pay the price required for success. With reflection, a pattern of traits emerges:

  1. Courage - Theirs is not physical courage, but rather moral courage. In the process of doing their work, because they adhere to the code of ethics for engineers to protect the public interest and public safety, there are occasions when they bring forward information that is problematic. These actions are not easy, yet they are prepared to take them. Further, courage makes possession of the rest of these traits valuable.
  2. Integrity - They are consistently the same person wherever and with whomever they find themselves. They do not change to please the people around them. They can be counted upon to tell the truth; whether that truth is easy or hard, popular or unpopular.
  3. Objectivity - Because much of their work is done in the arena of conflict, they serve their clients best when they fight to determine the truth without consideration of which party the truth they find would seem to benefit.
  4. Unflappable in conflict - They have an aspect of solidness in their work and preparation that allows them to remain confident when those around them are doubting or even belligerent in their disagreement. They earn the right to be confident by consistency and determination of effort. They are willing to pay the price to be confident.
  5. Willing to be challenged - They are willing to engage in work that stretches their capabilities and to be compensated based upon their results. The work is at turns varied, difficult, complicated, and rewarding. They relish the challenge.
  6. Multi-dimensional - They have a range of skills that are called upon on a routine basis, including technical expertise, fluent writing, effective interactions with a variety of people, independence of thought, and ability to cooperate or disagree as needed.
  7. Professionalism - In addition to the code of ethics that they follow as registered professional engineers, they demonstrate an overarching sense of professionalism in their work. As professionals, they are accorded substantial freedom to pursue their work by the means they judge best and accept the commensurate rewards, responsibility, and accountability.

So what then is the result of having engineers such as these? They personify the value of having values. They build relationships of trust with their clients. Found within the engineers that succeed here is the desire to strive for greatness where others might give up, to answer hard questions, to bring understanding where it does not already exist. While they are not alone in their contributions, at EDT successful engineers help make engineering a force for good.

We're here to help you find an EDT engineer with the expertise to meet your needs. 

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