A Message From EDT Leadership

The COVID-19 virus has affected all of us in how we conduct our business and lives. EDT is adapting our business practice to remain capable of serving all of your needs. Orders issued by various states and cities have necessitated working from home at some (but not all) of our office locations. Rest assured that calls are still being answered through the office phone numbers and assignments taken. In some states and cities, mandatory stay at home orders preclude the ability to conduct site visits. As such, to the greatest extent possible, and in compliance with orders set forth by the various counties and states, EDT will continue to evaluate each assignment and site visit on a case by case basis. We will communicate with you regarding all assignments, just as we always have.

Recognize that as Professional Engineers, we are bound by the Code of Ethics to place the health, safety, and welfare of the general public paramount. Given the potential for community spread of the virus, certain assignments may need to be conducted in a manner different than prior to the COVID-19 outbreak. EDT will adhere to guidelines issued by the CDC, and orders in place in various states.

At this time, as always, concern for the health of our employees, our clients, and the insureds, remains paramount. Social distancing, evaluation of air travel on a case by case basis, limited contact with occupants during inspections, and desk reviews of photographs and data provided by the Insured and/or Clients are some methods that will be used to evaluate site data during the course of investigations during the COVID-19 outbreak.

EDT remains ready to serve our clients through the course of the COVID-19 outbreak, and we are confident that EDT can continue to serve the needs of our Clients through innovative means, given the restrictions imposed upon all of us during the outbreak.

For assistance or information, please contact our corporate office.

EDT Corporate Office
24 Hour Rapid Response

For contact information of our office nearest you, please visit our locations page.